Arrests typically come as a surprise. You likely didn’t start your day with the goal of getting arrested. Instead, circumstances led to your arrest and now you must figure out how to deal with it. If you are arrested then you should remember to:
- Stay Quiet. Your first instinct may be to explain yourself to the police or to protest your arrest. Don’t do it. It is important that you are polite to the police but you do not need to offer any information about the circumstances that led to your arrest. The police should have provided you with your Miranda Rights which includes the right to remain silent. Take advantage of that right.
- Contact Your Illinois Criminal Defense Attorney. The police should allow you to make a phone call. It is important that you use this call to contact your criminal defense attorney who can immediately begin work to protect your rights and prepare your defense. Hiring a criminal defense attorney at this early stage of your case will ensure the best possible defense.
Once your Illinois criminal defense attorney has met with you he or she will take over communicating with the police and other parties. Your attorney will advise you on how to act and how to proceed at each step of the way. You will have help. However, before your attorney becomes involved it is important that you remember to stay quiet and to contact your criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.