Driving can be dangerous. We learn this in driver’s education courses and see it on the evening news. However, many of us give little thought to the potential dangers when we get behind the wheel of a car. Many times the danger comes from other drivers.
Last week, the driver of a minivan ran a red light and killed a pregnant woman. Her child was delivered but also died. The child’s cause of death was a premature delivery necessitated by the accident and injuries sustained in the accident. The driver had previously been convicted 15 times for driving without a license. He has not held a valid driver’s license since 2002. On October 22, 2009 this unlicensed driver got behind the wheel and killed a mother and her child. The mother had five other children under the age of 12 who are currently being cared for by their great grandmother and must grow up without their mother and sibling.
The state of Illinois is pursuing felony charges against the driver. The family also has the right to file a lawsuit against the driver for the deaths of the mother and child. If you or your loved one has faced a similar tragedy then we encourage you to contact an Illinois personal injury attorney to discuss your rights.