With each passing day the rhetoric and the political importance of the health care debate rise in this country. Politicians are eager to pass a bill – or to prevent one – depending on which side of the aisle they happen to sit. The outcome of this debate is significant to the future of many Americans. However, as the debate goes on it is important that Americans are provided with truthful facts so that they can make up their own minds about any potential health care bill.
The congressmen and other politicians who are currently speaking about health care reform seem to agree that one of the factors driving up the cost of health care is medical malpractice lawsuits. Many Republicans seem eager to change or limit the current medical malpractice system in this country and many Democrats seem willing to compromise on this point.
That would be a mistake.
Tort reform will not bring down medical costs. The number of medical malpractice lawsuits brought against doctors and hospitals is only a small percentage of the actual malpractice taking place in this country. It is estimated that only 4-7% of medical malpractice victims bring lawsuits which means that frivolous lawsuits are not routinely filed against doctors or hospitals. Medical malpractice expenses are estimated to be only 1-2% of medical care expenses in this country. Litigation is not the reason that health care expenses are high, despite the rhetoric many people are using. In fact litigation plays an important role in holding doctors and hospitals accountable for negligent behavior and in compensating victims for their injuries and suffering.
Medical malpractice lawsuits are not the problem in our current health care system. In fact, it may be argued that our current legal system discourages people from bringing important medical malpractice cases because the potential monetary award is not enough to pay legal fees, court costs and litigation expenses and still allow a medical malpractice victim to recover money.
Medical malpractice victims should be encouraged, rather than discouraged, from filing lawsuits. If you or a loved one has been hurt by medical malpractice, the experienced Illinois medical malpractice attorneysof Dolan Law Offices welcome your inquiry. We will provide you with a free case evaluation and we will not collect a fee unless you recover damages.