The following is a guest post by BISNAR | CHASE:
Car accident victims are faced with a number of challenges and stressful situations. If you have suffered any type of injury because of a car accident, you may want to hire an experienced attorney to help you with your case. If you decide to do it alone, you will be dealing with a well trained insurance adjuster who will definitely contact you immediately after your accident.
A fatal misconception that many injury accident victims make is that the insurance adjuster is on their side. This could not be further from the truth. An insurance adjuster is not on the victim’s side. In fact, an adjuster will be awarded and in some cases promoted based on how much money he saves the company. Every dollar an insurance company withholds from your settlement is another dollar of profit for the shareholders.
In a perfect world, the insurance adjuster would happily give you a fair settlement for all of your damages. Because an adjuster works on behalf of a for-profit business, it is important to keep in mind that they are not there to help you. One of the adjuster’s tricks is to act like they are your friend. An adjuster’s act of being kind is just that, an act.
Be careful what you tell your adjuster and how you communicate your message to him. An adjuster will sometimes record what you have said and use it against you later (sometimes out of context).
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident, it is well advised to seek the council of an experienced personal injury lawyer. A skilled lawyer can help you receive a fair settlement for your injury accident. Some of the best personal injury lawyers will offer free consultations and a no win-no fee guarantee. It is in your best interest to take full advantage of complimentary consultations offered by the best personal injury lawyers.
This post has been provided as a public service by the Los Angeles personal injury lawyers at BISNAR | CHASE. They offer free, no obligation consultations to those who have been catastrophically injured in California. They have already helped more than 6,000 accident victims to recover hundreds of millions of dollars. The experienced Southern California personal injury lawyers can be reached through their toll free number at 1-800-561-4887.