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Navigating Summer Injuries: Cautionary Reminders of Seasonal Hazards

A man and a woman ride bikes with a pedestrian and cars in the background.

As summer unfolds with its warmth and sunshine, Illinoisans eagerly embrace outdoor activities. However, the summer also introduces unique accident risks.

“Every year when the weather gets nicer, as expected, we see more people out enjoying the days and nights. Always remember to protect your valuables, especially in crowded public events,” says Clarendon Hills Police Chief Ed Leinweber. Stay safe this summer and protect yourself with some safety tips from Dolan Law and the Clarendon Hills Police Department.

Summer Injuries Often Involve Car Crashes

Summer months and warmer weather bring an increase in traffic volume, especially during holidays and vacations, says Leinweber. “The summer months usually see an increase in drinking and driving offenses, so it is important for people to take advantage of ride sharing or a designated driver.”

Statistics from the Illinois Department of Transportation reveal a concerning rise in car accidents during summer months. In 2022, Illinois witnessed a 12% increase in crashes compared to the previous year. DUI-related incidents spike during summer weekends and holidays, posing a grave danger to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. Never drink and drive; use ride-sharing services or designate a driver.

Crash Course: When to Contact a Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Other transportation is also popular on today’s roadways, according to the CH Police Department; do not drive distracted and always scan the roadways for all vehicles. Do not text or check your phone while driving: “Whatever the alert, message or call is, it can wait,” says Leinweber. Importantly, adhere to speed limits, especially considering increased traffic volume and longer travel distances during summer.

Follow Rules of the Road to Reduce Summer Injuries for All

“Bicycle and pedestrian safety are very important for everyone,” according to the chief. Statistics indicate a rise in bicycle fatalities during summer months. Illinois has specific laws for bicycles, treating cyclists akin to motorists with similar rights and duties.

Interestingly, Illinois law does not mandate bicyclists to wear helmets. However, cyclists and e-bike riders are a vulnerable class of people on and around roadways, and Dolan Law advises people of all ages to wear a helmet. If you are going to cycle, wear bright clothing and reflective gear, especially in low-light conditions, and Leinweber adds, “Night riding requires a headlamp on the front of a bicycle.”

The Legislation Illinois Bicyclists Need to Know

Cyclists and motor vehicles share the road and are required to follow the same rules. Obey traffic signals, ride with traffic flow, and signal turns appropriately. Therefore, a stop sign or red light means stop, for drivers and cyclists, Leinweber says. Importantly, he says, “Don’t be tempted to wear noise cancelling headphones while walking or riding a bike. Though it may seem like common sense, always look both ways before crossing the street or entering an intersection.” Never assume someone else is paying attention.

Summer in Illinois offers abundant outdoor activities, but not without risks. By observing safety precautions and understanding relevant laws, we can mitigate risk of summer injuries and enhance enjoyment. In the event of a summer injury or accident, seek legal counsel. Dolan Law is a top-rated trial law firm representing victims of wrongdoing with a combined experience of over 30 years in the law.

Written by Marty Dolan and George King

George King is a rising third-year law student at Belmont University College of Law in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to law school, George graduated summa cum laude from Furman University. He works as a law clerk for Dolan Law in Chicago.

Marty Dolan is the owner of Dolan Law, Chicago. He is a trial lawyer and has been so for over 30 years. Dolan Law handles catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases, including crime victim litigation. He is appointed to the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Character and Fitness and The Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee. He is a Clarendon Hills resident. See


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